目前分類:社會 (5)
- Jun 13 Fri 2014 08:48
- Jun 13 Fri 2014 08:45
台灣是一個美麗的寶島,我們把清廷認為瘴癘的蠻荒之地,努力開拓成自由的樂土,這是犧牲多少先祖先賢的血淚辛苦所獲得的成果,我們要珍惜並努力使其成長茁壯,決不能因為威脅利誘而放棄。 本書為喚起台灣人認識台灣被殖民統治的悲愴歷史,分析當前的處境,並策勵未來光明的遠景,至望國人能自重自愛,珍惜自己的權利,不要被花言巧語所矇騙。俗語說:「第一次被騙是無知,第二次被騙是愚蠢。」讓我們手牽手、心連心一起來維護台灣的自由、民主與法治。 台灣是移民的社會,有原住民、閩南、客家、外省族群及近幾年陸續來台的新民族;不管您是從哪裏來,只要認同台灣,就是台灣人。
- Jun 13 Fri 2014 08:43
- Jun 13 Fri 2014 08:38
推薦-深耕台灣 放眼全球
- Jun 13 Fri 2014 08:33
推薦-Sociology and Anthropology in Twentieth-Century China:Between Universalism and Indigenism
推薦-Sociology and Anthropology in Twentieth-Century China:Between Universalism and Indigenism
Within this text, the contributors provide a historical perspective on the development of anthropology and sociology since their introduction to Chinese thought and education in the early twentieth century, with an emphasis on the 1930s and 1980s. The authors offer different windows on theoretical and research agendas of anthropologists and sociologists of the PRC and Taiwan, shaped as much by their political context as by disciplinary training. In examining the careers of several individual scholars, they also make note not only of their creative contributions, but also of the resonance of their intellectual concerns with contemporary issues in sociology and anthropology (culturalism, frontiers, women). Finally, the volume is organized loosely around the problem of how to translate these disciplines into a Chinese context(s), the issues of “indigenization” (bentuhua 本土化) or “making Chinese” (Zhongguohua 中國化), which have haunted the two disciplines since their establishment in the 1930s because of the contradictory expectations that they generate. This is where the case of China resonates with similar concerns in other societies where the disciplines were imported from abroad as products of a Euro/American capitalist modernity, conflicting with aspirations to create their own localized alternative modernities.