好書推薦-Wuthering Heights (25K彩圖經典文學改寫+1MP3)
《咆哮山莊》是英國十九世紀女作家艾蜜莉.勃朗特(Emily Brontë)唯一一部問世的小說,但在世界文學上卻擁有不可動搖的地位。然而,這本書首次出版時招致許多批評,認為這部小說的內容過於奇怪、粗野,甚至是嚇人的。
Wuthering Heights is a story about love and revenge. It follows the life of Heathcliff, a mysterious gypsy-like person, from his childhood to his death at the age of 38. It is set on the moors in West Yorkshire, an area Emily Brontë knew and loved. It is the only novel Brontë ever published.
The title of the book is the name of one of the two houses that feature in the book, and describes the house’s position on a windy (wuthering) hill (height). It tells the story of the unresolved love and passion between childhood friends, Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff and how it destroys both them and their families.
The book is told in a series of flashbacks by two narrators. The first, Mr Lockwood, rents Thrushcross Grange from Heathcliff and the second, Nelly Dean, is a servant who tells Lockwood about the events of the past. Both of the narrators take part in the action of the story and allow us to have a first-hand account of both the present and past.
The main theme in the story is love, and how love can damage people if it is not expressed well. Unresolved love can turn to hate and hate becomes revenge. Nature is another important part of the story and the conflict between nature and civilization is embodied in the relationship between Heathcliff and his rival, Edgar Linton.
Although Wuthering Heights is now considered to be a classic of English literature when it was first published critics found the book to be strange and shocking yet they all agreed that it was compulsive reading.
【Helbling文學讀本(Helbling Readers)簡介】
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● Helbling Fiction(當代原創英文小說)
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艾蜜莉.勃朗特(Emily Brontë, 1818-1848),英國文壇上知名的「勃朗特三姐妹」之一。她在家中六個小孩中排行第五,三歲時母親過世,小孩們由姨媽帶大。他們住在西約克夏鄉下的哈沃斯(Haworth)的牧師公館,父親在那裡擔任教區牧師。這個村落緊鄰一大片荒野,這裡的景色是艾蜜莉創作的靈感來源。 有一段短暫的時間,她和瑪麗亞、伊莉莎白和夏綠蒂三個姐姐一起去上學。1825年,瑪麗亞和伊莉莎白雙雙死於肺結核,艾蜜莉和夏綠蒂便被帶回家中。之後,她們和哥哥的教育就由父親在教區裡負責指導。 艾蜜莉鍾愛哈沃斯一帶美麗多風的約克夏鄉村,她在遠離家鄉後,變得多病又憂鬱。1837年,她擔任過一陣子的私人教師。1842年,她和夏綠蒂一起去比利時的一家女子學院修學法文和德文。後來,她們兩姊妹在家鄉合開一間學校,但因學生不足而關閉。 勃朗特三姐妹──艾蜜莉、夏綠蒂和妹妹安,都很喜歡寫作。1846年,三人共同出版了一本詩集。1847年12月,艾蜜莉的唯一一部小說《咆哮山莊》問世。隔年同月,1848年12月,艾蜜莉死於肺結核,長眠哈沃斯。