推薦-Investigating Language at the Interface
這本專書收錄七篇論文,探討「語言與跨界」,從不同視野及不同領域,審視語言和語言使用的議題。論文的研究方法及目的亦相當多樣,反映「跨界」的研究視野乃與時俱進,對全面了解語言使用,有推波助瀾之效。這些文章不只涵蓋了跨界的議題,也加強了理論的實證性,以及證明了跨界的可行性。This edited volume consists of seven papers dealing with “language at the interface”. The title is intended to articulate multiple, boundary-crossing perspectives from which to investigate language and language use. Such perspectives, though diverse in approaches and purposes, are adopted in order to better account for issues arising from language used in the ever-changing world than is usually possible. As a whole, the papers in this collection share and encourage a perspective that circumvents an applied versus theoretical dichotomy and hints at the potential fertilization of crossing disciplinary boundaries.