推薦-Pepin R Fashion, Textiles & Patterns N.2:Flower Power (附cd-Rom)
PEPIN? is a series of thematic titles on various types of textile and dress - including unusual and overlooked styles. Each volume contains introductory text, fashion plates an/or historical images to show the subject in its original context and high-quality photographs and drawings of clothing, patterns, decorative details, etc. A wide selection of these images is saved on the enclosed CDs. ?Flower power? is an expression associated with Hippie culture of the late 1960s and represents a style in which flowers as symbols of love and peace were omnipresent. On clothing floral imagery was embroidered, woven and printed in all shapes and sizes. FLOWER POWER contains more than 150 reproductions of typical Flower Power designs, ranging from all-over patterns of tiny flowers to giant blooms covering entire garments.