17 Gua Niu Juice
Sophie is a smart cookie...it's getting harder and harder for Daddy to trick her. For years now, Daddy has been offering Henry Gua Niu (Snail) Juice with dinner, but Henry always responded with, "No! Ewwwww! That's gross!"
A couple weeks ago, Daddy decided to start the joke with three-year-old Sophie as well, and offered her Gua Niu Juice for dinner. Calling Daddy's bluff, Sophie looked Dad in the eye and said calmly, "Okay. I want Gua Niu Juice." Daddy was actually pretty taken aback, and asked her, "Are you sure? Are you sure you don't want some other juice?" Sophie responded, "No, I want Gua Niu Juice." Then she waited patiently at the table while Daddy retreated into the kitchen to decide what to do next. I asked Sophie, "You really want Gua Niu Juice?" Sophie replied, "Yup." "What color do you think Gua Niu Juice is?" I asked her. "Green," she responded nonchalantly.
At this point, my husband decided he was not going to let Sophie win and colored her orange juice with green food coloring. Then he triumphantly presented Sophie with her sippy cup of green juice, "Here's your Gua Niu Juice!" Sophie was momentarily paralyzed with shock and horror as she looked at her sippy cup. Then she pushed it away, saying, "I don't want that! That's green! Are you joking?!" The three of us couldn't stop laughing while Sophie looked genuinely disturbed! But we tried really hard to convince her to try some, and when she finally did, she announced with a big smile, "That's not Gua Niu Juice! That's orange juice!"
17 蝸牛汁
■ 這是一本最適合親子共讀、學習英文的好書。
■ 整本全彩圖文,中英對照,穿插最具童味的插畫。
■ 用最童稚的對話、美式的幽默描述華人生活在美國所發生的趣事。