目前分類:音樂 (3)

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推薦-Visualizing Beauty:Gender and Ideology in Modern East Asia





What does it mean to be a modern woman in Asia? How do institutionalized gender divisions affect creativity? Whose interests does the pursuit of beauty serve? Is being beautiful empowering, and in what context? How do physical expressions of femininity alter women's status in society?

Visualizing Beauty examines the intersections between feminine ideals and changing socio-political circumstances in China, Japan, and Korea during the first half of the twentieth century. Eight essays present a broad range of visual products that informed concepts of beauty and womanhood, including fashion, interior design magazines, newspaper illustrations, and paintings of and by women. Studying "Traditional Woman" and "New Woman" as historical categories, this anthology contemplates the complex relations between feminine subjectivity and the promotion of modernity, commerce, and colonialism.


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特別企劃 Discovers Wake Up 倪安東 特別報導 Special Report 山木將平 Shohei Yamaki 戀戀琴聲 The Sounds Of Memories 緬懷惠妮休斯頓 I Will Always Love You 不可能的任務 Mission Impossible 愛爾蘭民謠之丹尼男孩 Danny Boy 韓片《美麗的聲音》之配樂 練到你叫救命 Challenge of Fingers Limit Lesson 6 .歌曲推薦 Hit Music (每首歌特別收錄烏克麗


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音樂主播台 滿載夢想與歡樂的旋律──It’s a small world 迪士尼「小小世界」主題曲 流行鋼琴簡譜教室 溫嵐「忍不住原諒」──演奏教學 音樂世界瘋 嚴肅祕密雙人舞──探戈 JAZZ CAFE Alicia Keys──If I ain't got you 電影音樂欣賞 配樂分析欣賞──「鐘點戰」(In Time) 爵士鋼琴講座 活潑的藍調音樂──「Love is move」 iTouch鋼琴演奏會 Lady Gaga──「Born This Way」 流行鋼琴講座 超漂亮曲式編曲研究──羅志


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